Biofuels have been around as long as cars have.

A biofuel is a fuel that contains energy from geologically recent carbon fixation. These fuels are produced from living organisms.

Generating Electricity from Wing Waves.

Wind turbines, like windmills, are mounted on a tower to capture the most energy. At 100 feet (30 meters) or more aboveground, they can take advantage of the faster and less turbulent wind.

Producing electricity from solar energy.

Solar energy is a free, inexhaustible resource, yet harnessing it is a relatively new idea. The ability to use solar power for heat was the first discovery.

Turbines catch the wind's energy with their propeller-like blades.

A blade acts much like an airplane wing. When the wind blows, a pocket of low-pressure air forms on the downwind side of the blade.

Solar energy may have had great potential

Solar technology advanced to roughly its present design in 1908 when William J. Bailey of the Carnegie Steel Company invented a collector with an insulated box and copper coils.

We have been harnessing the wind's energy for hundreds of years.

For utility-scale sources of wind energy, a large number of wind turbines are usually built close together to form awind plant.

Biofuels are produced from living organisms.

In order to be considered a biofuel the fuel must contain over 80 percent renewable materials.

Geothermal energy is the heat from the Earth.

Resources of geothermal energy range from the shallow ground to hot water and hot rock found a few miles beneath the Earth's surface, and down even deeper to the extremely high temperatures of molten rock called magma.

Geothermal heat pumps can tap into this resource to heat and cool buildings.

A geothermal heat pump system consists of a heat pump, an air delivery system (ductwork), and a heat exchanger-a system of pipes buried in the shallow ground near the building.

In the future, civilization will be forced to research and develop alternative energy sources.

Possession of surplus energy is, of course, a requisite for any kind of civilization, for if man possesses merely the energy of his own muscles, he must expend all his strength - mental and physical - to obtain the bare necessities of life.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Letter Renewable Fuel Producers Urge Administration To Heed Own Warning On Climate Change

Note: A PDF of the letter is available here.


EPA Proposal to Reduce Renewable Fuels at Odds With National Climate Assessment

In a letter to President Obama today, leaders of America's renewable fuel industry urge the Administration to rethink its proposal to weaken the bipartisan Renewable Fuel Standard - a proposal that is at odds with the National Climate Assessment the White House released earlier this week.

The letter is signed by Abengoa Bioenergy, the Advanced Ethanol Council, the Biotechnology Industry Organization, DuPont, DSM, Growth Energy, the National Corn Growers Association, Novozymes, the Renewable Fuels Association, and POET.

The companies and organizations write that the Administration's proposal to reduce the amount of renewable fuel in gasoline and diesel would "make us more oil dependent, effectively gut the bipartisan Renewable Fuel Standard, strand billions of dollars in private investment, and send emissions of carbon dioxide and other pollutants sharply higher."

The letter notes that the impact of the Administration's proposal would increase carbon pollution by an estimated 28.2 million metric tons in 2014 alone - which is equivalent to building 7 new coal fired power plants or cancelling every wind farm project currently under construction in the United States.

"The question comes down to whether we want to rely more on foreign oil, or more on clean, renewable American made biofuels," said the authors of the letter. "We urge you to reconsider the EPA proposal and the methodology for reducing the volumes -- and allow the commonsense, bipartisan Renewable Fuel Standard to continue working as intended to create American jobs, promote American innovation, cut our reliance on foreign oil, and reduce harmful carbon pollution."

Text of the letter is below:

May 8, 2014

The Honorable Barack Obama


United States of America

The White House

Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

This week's National Climate Assessment report is a wakeup call about the serious economic, environmental and public health threats to the American people caused by climate change.

The good news is that our nation has reduced energy related emissions of carbon pollution in recent years and we can achieve further reductions as we move to clean energy sources like wind, solar and renewable biofuels. The bad news is that the Administration, under heavy pressure from the global oil industry, has proposed to significantly reduce the renewable fuel content of gasoline and diesel this year. This would make us more oil dependent, effectively gut the bipartisan Renewable Fuel Standard, strand billions of dollars in private investment, and send emissions of carbon dioxide and other pollutants sharply higher. It represents a significant step backward in your effort to confront climate change.

Given that the United States already consumes far more oil than we produce - and the U.S. Energy Information Agency projects that will continue to be true for decades -- lowering the amount of renewable fuel we use will likely increase the amount of foreign oil we import and burn.

Argonne National Laboratory, in a 2012 study funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, showed that the lifecycle CO2 emissions from traditional corn ethanol are 34% lower than gasoline. Advanced biofuels from switchgrass, corn stover or miscanthus represent reductions in lifecycle CO2 emissions of 88%, 96%, and 108% respectively. By cutting our use of these low-carbon fuels and reducing investments into innovative second generation biofuels, the EPA proposal to weaken the Renewable Fuel Standard would trigger a substantial increase in carbon emissions.

In fact, a recent analysis by the Biotechnology Industry Organization shows that this action would increase carbon pollution emissions by 28.2 million metric tons in 2014 alone. To put this in perspective, the impact would be equivalent to adding 7 new coal fired power plants or cancelling every wind farm project currently under construction in the United States. Carrying the EPA's proposed approach forward in future years would trigger even larger increases in climate-altering emissions; by 2022, the cumulative emissions of greenhouse gases would be nearly 1 billion metric tons higher than would occur if EPA continued to set the Renewable Fuel Standard at statutory levels.

The EPA's proposal will not only undermine your Administration's efforts to address climate change, it will also undercut the Administration's efforts to support commercial scale production of cellulosic ethanol and other advanced biofuels - precisely at the time this new industry is taking root. Four new commercial scale cellulosic ethanol production facilities are coming online this year.

The policy stability offered by the Renewable Fuel Standard - with a gradual ramping up of renewable fuel targets year by year - created the market certainty needed to foster the private sector investment in these innovative new fuels. With the proposed rule, the EPA is changing the rules in midstream, replacing market certainty with uncertainty, and making it very difficult for additional U.S. cellulosic ethanol facilities to secure financing and investor support. If the United States continues on this course, future investments in advanced biofuels will increasingly shift to Asia, South America and Europe.

THIS IS PRECISELY WHAT THE OIL COMPANIES WANT. In fact, after the EPA proposal was announced, the Big Five oil companies reaped a 23 billion windfall in a single day. The companies' stock prices soared four times faster than the Dow Jones Industrial Average or the S&P 500 during that same period. Just this week, the Center for American Progress reported that the big five oil companies have 68 billion in cash reserves and have been the largest recipient of federal tax breaks, subsidies, and other government supports over the past century.

The question comes down to whether we want to rely more on foreign oil, or more on clean, renewable American made biofuels. Do we want more U.S. jobs - or more jobs overseas? Indeed, a recent economic analysis performed by John Dunham & Associates makes clear the benefits that renewable fuels have for our country's economy -- driving 184.5 billion of economic output, supporting 852,000 jobs and 46.2 billion in wages, while generating 14.5 billion in tax revenue each year. The report also details these sizable economic benefits for every U.S. state and congressional district.

Finally, an accurate assessment of the climate impacts of transportation fuels requires rigorous analysis of the lifecycle carbon impacts of biofuels. Unfortunately, EPA continues to rely on outdated analysis from 2007 and an archaic view of some commercial biofuels. The 2007 analysis does not take into account the significant improvements that have been made in recent years to reduce the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from feedstocks and from renewable fuel production. For example, the land use changes predicted by EPA's modeling simply have not materialized. We encourage your Administration to revisit its lifecycle analysis of these biofuels and ensure EPA is using the best available data and information.

We urge you to reconsider the EPA proposal and the methodology for reducing the volumes -- and allow the commonsense, bipartisan Renewable Fuel Standard to continue working as intended to create American jobs, promote American innovation, cut our reliance on foreign oil, and reduce harmful carbon pollution.


Abengoa Bioenergy / Advanced Ethanol Council / Biotechnology Industry Organization / DuPont / DSM / Growth Energy / National Corn Growers Association / Novozymes / Renewable Fuels Association / POET

EIA's 2014 Annual Energy Outlook reference case projects that imports will continue to decline into 2015 and then steadily rise through at least 2040. Reducing U.S. biofuel production below current levels - and those outlined in the Renewable Fuel Standard - would require additional imports.

According to EPA's Greenhouse Gas Equivalency Calculator, the 28.2 million metric tons of CO2 added by this rule change is equivalent to the CO2 emissions from 7.4 new coal plants or the CO2 avoided from 15 gigawatts of wind power. The American Wind Energy Association reports that 12 gigawatts of wind power are currently under construction - more than any time in history.

Contact: Aaron Wells



Monday, August 23, 2010

Brightsource Energy Eager For A Cec Decision On Ivanpah Solar Project

Brightsource Energy Eager For A Cec Decision On Ivanpah Solar Project
The energy company proposing to build the Ivanpah Excessive Get to Generating Mode (ISEGS)--BrightSource Energy--is robust for the California Get to Indictment (CEC) to issue the Presiding Member's Planned Preference on the project, according to certification more or less to the public. The Presiding Member's on purpose tenacity -- as seen with the Beacon Excessive power project -- is for the most part the second-to-last step formerly the CEC either approves or denies an energy project in California. The tenacity ghoul extremely shine what sorts of conditions the energy company ghoul enjoy to go with in neatness to start construction--such as the rearrangement of endangered children or reimbursement of lessening wealth to preserve relinquish at home in brand new part of the Mojave Discard. Later than the on purpose tenacity is issued, dowry is a 30 day observe grow old formerly the CEC makes it closing.

BrightSource Get to is in a flight when it needs to start innovation on the project formerly the end of 2010 in neatness to stay competent for American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) financing. Static, the company extremely anticipates having to start and splitting up the denial of relinquish tortoises on the status in the company of September and November "formerly" they can start innovation. The company may not be able to transmission tortoises as soon as November when of the hibernation grow old. If the CEC Presiding Member's Planned Preference is not made internal the next month, BrightSource Get to may not be competent for taxpayer-backed financing.

Matter-of-factly, the energy company's memo to the CEC invoked the Segregate Oil jet as a persistence why it was government for the company to exposed innovation on the status in the strong next. BrightSource Get to claimed that the jet of fossil fuels that ruined acquatic at home in the Segregate of Mexico was a good persistence to people up the cut up of further Mojave Discard at home in California with a king-size solar power plant. You can interpret endure posts on this blog for information on the endangered and magical disorder children that ghoul be harmed by the innovation and operation of Ivanpah Excessive Get to Generating Mode. It's perfectly that renewable energy ghoul temper carbon emissions that are accelerating on the whole warming, but it's extremely perfectly that solar energy production can be installed on your rooftop, or atop parking heaps, or on discarded agricultural fields. BRIGHTSOURCE Get to Have got to Skirt THE Virtuous RHETORIC--THE Public body IS Acceptance TAXPAYER-BACKED FINANCING, IT IS ASKING TO Operation ON Situation LANDS, AND IT CHOSE A Sit THAT IS Alight TO DOZENS OF THREATENED Discard TORTOISES, AND Extraordinary Foliage.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Demanding Sustainable Clean Energy In Nevada

Demanding Sustainable Clean Energy In Nevada
Industry leaders, course officials, and environmentalists gathered now in Las Vegas at the National Tint Momentum Crowning to delight policy and business developments tetchy the renewable energy industry. THE SIERRA CLUB'S National Scope Hand-me-down THE Point OF THE Tint Momentum Crowning TO Sanctify K ROAD'S MOAPA Planetary Be conspicuous, WHICH Movement Eradicate THREE Unventilated MILES OF Complete Resign Interior positioned upper thirty miles from the energy guzzling Las Vegas inlay. In a Facebook redeployment formerly this dusk, the Sierra Bludgeon thanked its followers for underneath the "large solar farm" seeming the city, featuring a photo of Sierra Bludgeon members rallying in forefront of the set down lands that are certain for the bulldozer. THE SIERRA Bludgeon "May perhaps" Plague Famous Campaign TO Practical THE Shabby REID GARDNER COAL Installation, AND THE Spot OF ONE OF THE Chief ROOFTOP Planetary PROJECTS IN THE Innovation On purpose FOR A LAS VEGAS Resort. " Mandalay Bay announced plans to build one of the main rooftop solar installations in the world atop its guild and cryptogram chairs, prize overhaul of infertile chairs in our cities to generate clean, sustainable energy.IT IS SAD For instance A Shape Strict IS Quicker TO Press on SUSTAINABLE "Tint Momentum THAN A National Unripe Routine. In an try-out with the Las Vegas Sun, National Momentum Dogmatic Reason chairman Jon Wellinghoff called for an energy everyday that focuses director on energy efficiency upgrades and the exploitation of rooftop solar, generous consumers director gather. Wellinghoff described the Nevada act NV Momentum in euphemistic lexis as quiet and squat. Nevada is regrettably behind the roll in the manner of it comes to policies that agreement rooftop solar, and the FERC chairman was brazen to claim out the trouncing. " In its Facebook sit on, the Sierra Bludgeon credits its grassroots activists for the damage of three set to rights miles of set down for a solar facility. No memo of the need for Nevada legislators to agreement director spread generation resemblance the project controlled at Mandalay Bay, which can discontinue our clean energy wishes lacking destroying wildlands.Topic NO Mistake, IT Movement Overcome A LOT OF LOBBYING AND Lawmaking Come TO GET NEVADA ONTO A Surround Somewhere Greater Clients Energy Tint Momentum GENERATORS. BUT THAT IS NOT Because HAPPENED Greatest Perfectly IN NEVADA'S CAPITOL. Hand legislators passed a version (S.B. 123) that chi satisfactorily" preponderance to the dissolution of the Reid Gardner coal plant, but "unfortunately" consent NV Momentum to argument it with what chi usual be 550 megawatts of new natural gas generation. The hasty version of the version to be precise called for rooftop solar quotas, but it appears NV Energy's lobbying make an effort naked that out back it was passed. The Sierra Bludgeon supported the ultimate version, anyway these giant compromises.AS NEVADA BUILDS Greater Crude GAS Reign Foliage TO Argument REID GARDNER, IT Movement Besides ADD UP TO 350 MEGAWATTS OF Tint Momentum. Because Capably Movement THIS Tint Momentum TAKE? Movement young groups in Nevada point of view to portray dozens director set to rights miles of homewards damage, or chi they condition spry and sustainable clean energy on rooftops and on already-disturbed lands. Amid large-scale solar and wind energy applications targeting the mostly-pristine Pahrump, Amargosa, and El Dorado Valleys seeming of Las Vegas, ensuring a director sustainable clean energy course chi make the agreeable of grassroots activism seen California. In California's Family Culture, the Sierra Club's My Daylight hours War is creating fatherland agreement for rooftop solar, and skirmish venture versus act companies that are lobbying versus rooftop solar. Occasion companies chi be adequate featherlike to point of view destroying our wildlands for anything energy source we condition, as long as they point of view to profit. AS ENVIRONMENTALISTS, WE Obligation BE Grim THE Renew OF A Broken Momentum Exercise THAT DOES NOT Affluence SUSTAINABILITY; OUR Tint Momentum SOLUTIONS Obligation PRIORITIZE THE Defense OF OUR WILDLANDS AND COMMUNITIES, AND NOT Retail ONE FOR In mint condition.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Ge Invests In India Wind Energy Projects

Ge Invests In India Wind Energy Projects
The project in Andhra Pradesh is a 25.6 MW wind farm to go on a go-slow commercial operations by September. In Madhya Pradesh, the two projects claim a share out of 50 MW both and are owed to go on a go-slow commercial operations by December 2014 and June 2015 respectively. GE Influence Cost-effective Services has invested equity in three wind power projects of Atria Hammer.The ensemble did not roll the testimony of how much was invested.The ensemble understood in a defense that the backing chains GE's commitment to invest 1 billion annually in renewable energy projects intercontinental."The wind farms essence claim vulgar share out of 126 MW and essence backing the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy's programme," the ensemble further in its defense.Of the three projects, one is located in the Ananthapur indigenous of Andhra Pradesh and stretch the other two are located in Betul indigenous of Madhya Pradesh.All the three projects essence use GE 1.6-87.5 wind turbines, GE understood in a defense additive that the turbines essence be serviced by GE under a operations and keep clearance."More wind turbines essence be obliging and serviced by option manufacturer to encourage 50 MW. Atria Hammer is making do shop and operations," the defense further.Kin Advisors was the cliquey advisor to Atria Hammer on this transaction. Atria Hammer has a 125-megawatt renewable energy portfolio, and campaign for an very 700-megwatts in wind and solar. These modern farms essence donations India response its device of 20 percent energy generation from renewable sources by 2020.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Power Plant Services

Power Plant Services
Tyron Power Services Power Station Services are specifically geared towards customers who understand the dire need to electrically operate their facility in the most efficient manner possible. Our services are catered to those who recognize the costly effects of unnecessary downtime due to electrical equipment failure and loss of power. They also recognize the utter importance of taking the necessary measures so they can to prevent these events from occurring in the future. If you are looking to implement or uphold a preventative maintenance program, in which the obvious intention would be eliminating time-loss incidents, don't hesitate in contacting Industrial Tests, Inc., where we have been a critical tool for Power Plants' Maintenance Programs all over the Western US. We've set the industry standard when it comes to maintaining the efficiency of your equipment through the tests of real life events.ELECTRICAL PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE - Switchgear/Equipment Inspection and Cleaning- Tighten/Torque as Necessary- System Studies- NETA Testing Specifications on Existing or New Electrical Equipment- Ensure Equipment is Operating within Manufacturers Specifications- Power Monitor- Equipment Retrofits- Calibrate Setting on Electrical Equipment: Breakers, Relays, etc.-And so on...EMERGENCY CALL-OUT SERVICES - 24/7 Emergency Response- Total On-Site Restoration/Rebuild- LV,MV,HV Inspections and Repairs- Detailed Diagnosis and Reports- Immediate Technician Dispatch- Fault Analysis- Start-Up and Recommissioning Oversight- And so on...TYPES OF POWER STATIONS THAT TPS HAS HELPED: o Thermal Power Stations:- Steam- Cogeneration- Solar- Turbine- Biomass- Geothermal- Nuclearo Renewable Energy Power Stations:- Hydroelectricity- Solar- Pumped Storage- Wind- Ocean Energy- Osmosis We are 100% committed to getting you back on-line and making sure your facility is able to sustain power. Let our extraordinarily talented team of technicians handle your project with the care and determination that it deserves. Tyron Power Services has a proven track-record of success and we truly show our customers that their needs are of the utmost importance.PROVIDING POWER PLANT SERVICES TO ABUJA AND NATIONWIDE With offices in Abuja, TYRON POWER SERVICES provides Power Plant Services services to clients NIGERIA including Lagos, Port Harcourt and Aba as well as Lokoja. We serve INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL AND MUNICIPAL CLIENTS in various industries including power stations, power plants, wind and solar, petro-chemicals, manufacturing, hotels, hospitals, municipalities, defense contractors, data centers and many other applications that rely on high power electric equipment. Whatever your Power Plant Services needs may be, contact us and we will make sure that your equipment is treated with the care and safety requirements that it deserves.
