Wednesday, April 9, 2008

February 8 Green Energy News

February 8 Green Energy News

* There has been a surge in renewable energy uptake in the UK since the introduction of Feed-in Tariffs almost five years ago. Industry estimates suggest there is still as much as 20 GW of untapped generating potential on UK farms. But changing government support requires careful planning. [FarmersWeekly]

* The Columbia, Missouri Water and Light Department generated 7.22% of its energy for utility customers using renewable sources, exceeding the 5% goal for 2014 and nearly halfway to the 15% objective by 2018. At the end of 2014, the city had spent 1.12 million of the 3.29 million allotted for renewable energy. [Columbus Telegram]

* New York state is encouraging community-based microgrids through NY Prize, a 40 million first-of-its-kind competition announced by Governor Andrew Cuomo. The competition was discussed before an audience of a hundred at the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering at SUNY Poly last week. [Troy Record]

* Wyoming and Montana are among the country's top coal producers, and both rely on coal for most of their electricity generation, but they have opposite approaches to the Clean Power Plan. Wyoming intends to fight the plan. Montana will comply with it. There are implications for the states' economies. [Flathead Beacon]

* "Nuclear Energy Renaissance Takes Another Blow and May Never Recover" - Setbacks like the Vogtle Nuclear Plant faced this week have become all too predictable in the nuclear industry, and they're the reason a nuclear renaissance is unlikely in the US. Costs are simply too high, and competition too strong. [Motley Fool]

For more news, please visit geoharvey - Daily News about Energy and Climate Change.


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